
  • Precipitation (rain or melted snow) is recorded in decimal inches.

  • Monthly averages are for 2006–2023 (January–April) or 2005–2023 (May–December). 2024 data are not included in averages.

  • The annual average, 10.82 inches, was computed by averaging the annual totals for 2006–2023. The annual average can also be computed by taking the sum of the monthly averages—thus including the data for May–December 2005. This method places the average at 10.74 inches.
  • Local tradition designates July, August, and September as monsoon months. On average, 47.73 percent of the annual percipitation comes in these months.

Manzano Mesa
Annual Rainfall

  20242023202220212020 20192018201720162015 20142013201220112010 20092008200720062005  
0.40January 0.850.300.260.320.39 0.880.181.280.520.61 trace0.500.330.02  January
0.52February 0.320.470.420.681.04 0.600.920.300.190.78 0.200.360.610.550.45 0.030.701.050.00  February
0.50March 0.441.351.190.800.49 0.800.310.160.010.30 0.500. 0.57trace0.740.28  March
0.57April 0.42trace0.011.320.55 1.530.001.140.730.53 0.680.451.130.29  April
0.49May 0.510.500.000.540.02 0.800.410.220.162.23 0.620. 0.500.541.430.010.44 May
0.66June 2.88trace2.380.841.35 0.241.430.150.780.84 0.970.030.471.350.51 June
2.17July 0.530.261.802.011.37 1.966.570.911.442.34 3.034.541.501.522.48 0.983.061.593.030.77 July
1.77August  0.891.831.000.63 0.971.602.722.880.83 0.290.540.761.481.94 0.811.761.596.781.84 August
1.23September  1.020.360.670.56 0.352.651.571.100.99 0.394.390.320.482.22 September
1.00October  0.051.990.650.41 0.842.340.410.591.70 0.500.220.021.621.03 1.671.630.161.621.64 October
0.51November 0.601. 0.160.340.130.030.03 November
0.93December  1.400.730.080.20 0.501.330.000.681.85 1.480.850.271.971.81 0.550.951.371.900.22 December
10.82Total 5.957.3311.219.097.21 11.7017.908.9110.5113.74 10.3413.185.338.0913.72 9.1310.0211.0316.31  Total